New Chapters


September 1, 2013, Sunday. It’s hard to believe August has flowed into September so fluidly. A summer breeze blew most of last month, teasing in the coming autumn. Soon leaves will begin to drift to the ground, hardy mums will decorate porches and around mailboxes. I love the autumn as I see the hills change their green summer dress to ones of reds and yellows.

As much as I profess to love change, it comes hard for me. Most of my life found change to be a painful thing. Changing schools to face a world full of unfriendly strangers, loosing loved ones through death, friends moving far away. Well you get the drift, change stinks.

But does it really, when it is stripped down to the barest of essentials? Changing schools gave teachers a chance to see why the little girl was struggling. No one did, but they had the opportunity and must speak about their missed chances with God. Friends dying or moving forced me to be less dependent on them and more on God. This is perhaps one of the greatest challenges in my life. As I write I am convicted that I went to them more often and more quickly than I did to God. Unable to walk away from a good paying job, god slammed the door shut. why? Because I kept trying to pry it open. The familiar draws us in but God pushes us to the challenge of change.

Life is all about new beginnings, or chapters. Each day a clean page if I want one. I can keep writing on a dirty page, but why? My life has the potential for greatness. There are reams of paper for me to write out my story for all the world to see. And no matter how joyful or sad it might be, it is written with the steadying of his Holy Hand.

So, as one season closes and another opens, it is time to embrace change. It is time to say thank you to God for giving me seasons, sometimes taking me on a road leading from trouble to blessing. Life is not dull and mine will be a good read.

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